Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Aughadreena National School

Parents' Association

The Parents' Association of Aughadreena National School has been long established in our school. They are actively involved in school events and planning and are a huge support to the school. They assist through fundraising, organising events and helping out at different times of the school year.  The PA have provided the school with funds, assisted with website development, made many cups of tea, bought beautiful hoodies for 6th class, purchased religious gifts for the classes receiving the sacraments as well as running the annual Christmas Bazaar, organising whole school swimming lessons, providing selection boxes, Easter eggs and subsidising payment for all our buses. The PA also organise an annual visit from Santa and from the ice-cream van on Sports Day, as well as well as holding a Communion party for all communicants and their families in the school hall.

Last year the PA were central to the development of an Astroturf pitch and running track at the school. They were active Pitch Committee members sharing their talents, skills and expertise. They ran two main fundraising events to raise a phenomenal amount of money to help pay for the pitch. We are forever indebted to them for their ongoing dedication and support.

They have set up a Facebook page so parents can keep up-to-date with the latest work and achievements of the Parents Association by clicking on the link below.

Chairperson:              Anna May Smith
Vice Chairperson:       Eileen Donohoe
Secretary:                   Liz Sherwood
Assistant Secretary:    Tara Cassidy
Treasurer:                   Rosemany Nulty
Vice Treasurer:           Collette Smith